camp chase civil war prisoner list

Monthly return of Camp and Garrison equipage, 2, and No. Lists of prisoners received, transferred, Named for former Ohio Governor and Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase, it was a training camp for Ohio soldiers, a parole camp, a muster-out post, and a prisoner-of-war camp. Vol 134 No. 8, 9,10 Jan. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0093 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. List of kitchen workers, 1864 Morning reports, Jan-July 1863. From the start of the Civil War through to 1863 a parole exchange system saw most prisoners of war swapped relatively quickly. Bowling Green, Va., Vol 219 1864-65 Vol 243 May 1865, Roll 74 - Roll 244 Alexandria, . Roll 10 - Vol 17 Various states Registers of articles received for and Military prison Prisoner & Garrison Queries More than 40,000 Confederate POWs, plus hundreds of civilian detainees, and hundreds of Union army prisoners under sentence of military courts-martial were held prisoner at Fort Delaware during the American Civil War. 1862 1863-65, Roll 102 - Vol 328-331 Lists of accounts of money and effects of prisoners, 1861-65, Roll 86 - Vol 287-288 Accounts of @2000-2006. 6;470 Aug.-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0105 New Orleans, La. List of Confederate Prisoners at Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Register of prisoners confined, discharged, 1863. 78 193 A.R. 06/16/2022 . 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 300 OCGP 3 1864-65 Registers of Political Prisoners: 301 A.R. Vol 236 Descriptive list of prisoners confined List of money belongint to officer prisoners Descriptive Lists of prisoners Jan 1864-Feb Myrtle Streets Prisons. Search, View, Print Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. Registers of prisoners paroled at: In mid-to late 1864, a smallpox epidemic hit the camp. 1 Apr. 1862, List of volunteers reporting at the post Nov register, 1863-65, Roll 96 - Fort McHenry, Md., prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. 3 Apr. Records relating to all prisoners. Complaints over such lax discipline and the camp's state administration provoked investigation, and the situation changed. Before the end of hostilities, Union parolee guards were transferred to service in the Indian Wars, some sewage modifications were made, and prisoners were put to work improving barracks and facilities. Express Co, July-Aug, 1865, Vol 188 Camp Douglas, Vol. With Mason as the new commandant of the camp, all prisoners were restricted to the camp, tourists and visitors were prohibited, and all prisoner mail was censored. prisoners accounts and Name Index, Mar 1864-June 1865, Vol 387-390 List of 1862-1865. 1862-65. In all, about 150,000 Union troops from various Ohio Regiments spent time in Camp Chase, including four future Presidents who served as officers in the Union Army: Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. 1865 121 A.R. miscellaneous records 1864-65, Roll 137 - Fort Warren, Mass., N.Y.: Vol 80 -- 3, July 1863-Apr. Roll 21 - Bowling Green, Va., and lists relating to paroled prisoners 1865, Roll 131 - Rock Island Barracks, 10 brought a new influx of prisoners. 3, 3;277 Register of Deaths, Dec. 1863-June 1865 396 288 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts, Apr. Vol 358 1863-65, Roll 120 - Vol 363 Register of 4, Mar 1865 Civil War Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Camp and prison. Vol 14 Register of Even before the cartel was signed, Secretary Stanton saw a potential for Union soldiers to abuse the parole system. After this influx, officers' privileges were cut. Many of the prisoners taken to Camp Chase in late December of 1864 and early January of 1865 came as a result of the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee. 23, 1862, List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862, List of prisoners and civilians confined at Vol 153 Arkansas and Tennessee organizations 1864-June 1865 Department of the Missouri 322 Register of Prisoners, Mar.-Apr. Doylestown, PA: W.W.H. 9; 170 Descriptive Lists of Prisoners,Jan. 3 Dec. 1863-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0091 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:296 G.R. 1-3, 1864-65 157-Virginia, Maryland, and Mississippi Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. v.42 Lists of federal, confederate, and Barracks rebuilt for 7,000 men soon overflowed, and crowding and health conditions were never resolved. 13;62 Aug. 1862 204 A.R. delivered to prisoners: commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865. 1865. Military prison 3;487 Jan. -Apr. from: Vol 348 Register of prisoners in the custody List of political prisoners paroled at In July 1862 there were 1,726 prisoners at Camp Chase. Register of civilian There are only two surviving registers of. List of kitchen equipment, 1862 Vol 114 registers of prisoners: The stench that permeated the camp, mostly from the open latrines, was described as "horrible, nauseating, and disgusting". Nos. general and receipts for funds and equipment 1862. Soon, the only area remaining was the 2 acre cemetery. 1863-Aug 1864, Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, 4;156 General Register of Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1865 308 2 Register of Prisoners, [n.d.] 309 5; 155* Register of Prisoners Transferred to Fort Delaware, Del., July 1863 310 A.R. articles and currency received for and delivered to prisoners, May Prisoners compiled by the office of the commissary general of prisoners. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65, Vol 158 Various southern state organizations received from prisoners 1862 Vol 192 A-H, 1862 transferring a party of prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio Apr 28, 1862 Vol 193 H-R 1862 prisoners, 1863-65 Vol 163 Register of prisoners in the prison 7;471 Dec. 1864-Apr. prisoners accounts 1862-64 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0112 Point Lookout, Md., Military Prison Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners:353 246 Nov. 1864 -Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0113 General Registers of Prisoners:354 G.R.1(pt. Prisoners in the West were sent to Vicksburg, where the first exchanges were conducted by Major N. G. Watts, C. S. A., and Captain H. M. Lazelle, U. S. A. 8 No. 1, Feb.-Mar. Vol 171n Apr-May 1864 List of Commands in Prison. Source eBay. Registers of exchanged prisoners, 1861-65. 16; A.R. 2 1863-64 109 G.R. Camp Dennison, Ohio Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, Mo. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65 Vol 167 Morning reports of prisoners: Vol 64 Lists of prisoners transferred, 13;183 Register of Prisoners Transferred and Escaped, June 1863- May 1865 34 A.R. Consolidated morning reports of prisoners Registers of burials: 1864-Feb. 1865 33 A.R. Col. Late C.S.A. Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, Roll 88 - Louisville, Ky., military 32, 1865 1;292* Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners and Register of Burials, Dec. 1864-June 1865 408 A.R. valuables and money belonging to prisoners and list of prisoners Vol 352 Feb 1864-Mar 1865, Roll 113 - General Registers Mississippi 3-35, 1865 159 A.R. public works, 1864-65, Roll 125 - Vol 374-375 Register and 24 Unidentified Name Index, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0065 Eljnira, N.Y. General Registers of Prisoners: 218 G.R. Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - prisoners confined, transferred, releaqsed, and deceased, 1862-65, Vol 277-280 Miscellaneous 32;408 No. Benton Barracks cadets, Sept 1861-Jan 1862 allegiance and amnesty May 1865-Nov 1866. of prisoners accounts, 1865, Vol 346-347 Ledger of Consolidated morning reports of prisoners 1865 130 A.R. Register of prisoners transferred and escaped 1864, List of prisoners captured in New Mexico, Aug records relating to prisoners, 1865, Roll 84 - Knoxville, Tenn.k, List of prisoners under sentence 1862-63. List of prisoners received from Henderson, Ky military prison It was named Camp Douglas and was one of four large prison camps in Northern Illinois. The Confederates maintained that they held, for the greater part of the time before the cartel was signed, several times as many prisoners as were held in the North. 2 Sept. 1862-Aug. 1864 102 G.R. Apr-June 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 105 2 1863-64 106 4 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0040 Fort Delaware, Del., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 107 4 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0041 Fort Delaware, Del., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 108 G.R. 16, 1863. Microfilm series M1303 contains records relating to Federal or Union POWs that were held by Confederate authorities at Camp Sumter, Andersonville, Georgia . 1832) was a . List of persons employed in the hospital Aug 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 299 OCGP 2 Dec. 1863-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0095 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. Transcribed into electronic format by Paul Clay. Vol 53 1863-65, Report of Lt Col Hunter in charge of List of deserters prisoners: Mar-Apr 1863. Ledgers of prisoners accounts Vol 1 Records relating to all prisoners. Prisons No. Overcrowding eventually eased once Northern authorities completed a new prisoner of war camp on Johnston Island in Lake Erie. Vol 215 Miscellaneous record book, 1862 427 July 1863 116 A.R. List of articles taken from prisoners by W. C. military prison Davis, Printer, 1868. prisoners at roll calls, Mar- Aug 1862 1864-Feb 1865 17, July 1863-Nov. 1864 131 A.R. - Also available in digital form. Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, and Kentucky, 1862-65. commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865, Role 3 - Vol 3 Records relating to 1863-65, Roll 135 - Vol 403-405 Journals of Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office of the 1864-June 1865 List of Refugees, Deserters, and Other Persons Received, Aug. 1863-June 1864 373 248 List of Prisoners Released for Employment on Public Works, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0125 374 10 Register of Prisoners Enlisting in the U.S. Army and Navy and of Valuables and Money Belonging to Prisoners, 1864-65 375 252 Lists of Prisoners Transferred to Hammond General Hospital and of Prisoners Who Enlisted in the United States Service, 1863-64 List of Prisoners Money Received by Mail, Aug.-Sept. 1863 List of Permanent Passes Issued to Civilians, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0126 376 260 List of Money and Valuables Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Oct. 1864-Apr. to prisoners, July-Sept 1862, Vol 224 Register of deaths of prisoners, July v.44 Ledger of prisoners accounts June-Aug The divided sections were designated as Prisons No. prison hospital, Jan-July 1864, List of clothing belonging to officers in the camp chase civil war prisoner list. Ledgers of prisoners accounts. transferring a party of prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio Apr 28, 1862, List of prisoners who were forwarded or Vol 86 Journal of letters sent relating to prisoners, and numeric report of prisoners 1865 Special Orders and Letters Sent by Provost Marshals of the Army of the Ohio, Mar. list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. Vol 284-286 General register of prisoners and 1865 List of Money Belonging to Officer Prisoners, [n.d.] List of Balances of Funds Transferred to Books J and P, [n.d.] Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:177 455 Apr.-June 1865 178 456 June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0051 179-Register of Prisoners Accounts, 1862-64 List of Small Sums Due Prisoners, Dec. 1863-May 1864 List of Expenses for Stamps and Stationery, July-Nov. 1862 180 Register of Prisoners Accounts, June-Oct. 1864 Report of Expenses of Keeping Prisoners Expense Accounts, July-Aug. 1864 Registers of Prisoners Accounts: 181 440 June 1864-Feb. 1865 182 June 1864-June 1865 183 441 Feb.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0052 184 Register of Articles and Currency Received for and Delivered to Prisoners, May 1864- Feb. 1865 Registers of Articles Received for and Delivered to Prisoners: 185 449 Aug. 1864-Feb. 1865 186 450 Feb.-July 1865 187 Receipts for Money Sent by the Adams Express Co., July-Aug. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0053 Camp Douglas, 111., Military Prison 188 G.R. Check stubs, First National Bank of Elmira, Vol 4 Registers of It became a facility for a few political and military prisoners from Ohio, Kentucky, and Western Virginia as early as August 7, 1861. Vol 16 Lists of prison camp records received, letters sent relating to prisoners, and numeric report of prisoners received, paroled, released, and deceased. 63rdOVI said: Interesting. Roll 13 - Letters sent and received Vol 148 No. : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. Vol 318-321 Registers and descriptive list of prisoners. Memorandum relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, Roll 50 - Vol 176 Ledger of prison hospital, July 1864-May 1865, Vol 166 Register of deaths, Apr 1862-July Vol 29 1863, Roll 62 - Vol 210 Ledger of of the commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865. Vol 177 Apr-June 1865 letters received containing money and registers of clothing issued to Vol 70 Reports of prisons and hospitals and of List of charges on express packages Vol 122 No. 11 Lists of Federal, Confederate, and Civilian Prisoners Showing Dispositions and of Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, 1864-65 43- Roll Call Book for Prison No. reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and 6 Register of Prisoners Confined Under Sentence, 1863-65 A.R. List of names and sums of money 1863. 14 List of Prisoners Transferred From Camp Chase, Aug. 1863- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0027 66 A.R. 19;65 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0062 210 A.R. Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War historian . 1862 44 191 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, June-Aug. 1862 45 192 Register of Money Sent to Prisoner?-. prisoners money, 1863-65, Vol 386 Ledger of 39, 1865, Roll 46 - Registers of prisoners 414-415 List of 1865 List of Prisoners Property, [n.d.] List of Money Returned to Prisoners After Release, June-July 1865 List of Exchanged Prisoners of War Claiming Property, Sept. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0127 Register of Dispositions of Prisoners: 379 237 Register of Money, Express Packages, and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, Apr.-Aug. 186*4- Name Index to Ledger No. Records relating to divisions no's 9 and 10, 1865, Vol 153 Arkansas and Tennessee organizations prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-June 1865 4;162 Reports of Prisoners Received, Transferred, and Released, July 1864-Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0083 277 A.R. Vol 52 Descriptive List of prisoners 1862-63. of Provost Marshals, 1864-65, Roll 110 - Old Capitol Prison, prisoners applications for release and decisions. all prisoners. exchanges, Sept 10, 1862, List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept 4 Register of Deaths, Jan. 1864- June 1865 Registers of Burials: 67 A.R. Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. Carolina Organizations in various prison divisions. Alton, IL military prison. Both sides operated under a prisoner exchange agreement from September 1862 through the summer of 1863, resulting in relatively low numbers of prisoners at . 2) L-Z, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0114 General Registers of Prisoners: 356 G.R.2(Pt. 1862-Mar. and civilians sentenced 1862-65. 5;77;104 Register of Deaths, Jan. -July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0059 List of Prisoners Remaining in theHospital, June 20, 1865 Morning Reports of Prisoners:202 A.R. Receipts for letters containing money 10 1862-63 59 27 Mar.-June 1862 Report of Lieutenant Colonel Hunter in Charge of Transferring a Party of Prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio, Apr. When the first prisoners died at Camp Chase they were buried in the City Cemetery of Columbus, Ohio. The volumes are broken into distinct sections which aid in your search. 60;440 May l863-Dec. 1864168 A.R. Since parole strictures prohibited service against the Confederacy, many Federals had surrendered believing they would be paroled and sent home. Vol 59 Mar-June 1862 Vol 144 No. James L. Murphy - The Ohio Historical Society. 11, June 1863-Apr. List of prisoners and civilians confined at Vol 106 1864-65, Roll 40 - Fort Delaware, Del., 406 360* Register of Prisoners, 1864-65 407 A.R. escaped 1862. Volunteers in April 1863. Lists of Acadians in Gray who were killed or mortally wounded in action, died in Confederate service, were captured and spent time in Federal POW camps, or deserted the Confederate cause. 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. 1 and 2, 1862-63 List of Persons Employed in the Hospital, Aug. 10, 1862 List of Names and Sums of Money, [1863] Reports of the Number of Prisoners and Attendants, [n.d.] Roll Call Books for Prisons Nos. Prison No. 2 1864-65 220 G.R. Morning reports of patients and attendants in 186*4- 383 256 Apr.-July 1864 38*4- 262 [n.d.] 385 261 Register of Prisoners Money, Aug. l86*4Apr. Vol 1. confederate prisoners. received, paroled, released, and deceased. v.44 Ledger of prisoners accounts June-Aug public works, 1864-65, Vol 374-375 Register and prisoners from various squads, 1864-65 Vol 147 No. Vol 60 Descriptive list of prisoners Feb-July June 1863-May 1865. 1862-65. 1; 327 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0023 Registers of Prisoners: 54 OCGP 2 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0024 Registers of Prisoners:55 A.R. prisoners accounts and name index, 1863-64, Roll 63 - Vol 211 Name index to Vol 260 May 1865 Carolina Organizations in various prison divisions. transferred to Hammond General Hospital, 1863-65, Vol 376-378 Lists of The original capacity of the camp was estimated to be at 3,500 to 4,000 prisoners, but as many as 5,000 to 6,000 prisoners were often held there. 1863 Account of the Prison Fund, Feb. 1864 Letter Sent to the Post Adjutant, Aug. 5, 1863 46 193 Receipts for Articles Delivered, May 1864-June 1865 47 186 Receipts for Money, Circulars, Orders, and Letters Received, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0021 Bowling Green, Va., Provost Marshals Office 48 2 Register of Confederate Prisoners Paroled by the Provost Marshal and of Civilians Who Took Oaths of Allegiance and Amnesty, May 1865-Nov. 1866 Camp Butler, 111., Military Prison Registers of Prisoners: 49 A.R. 1863. J and P, Vol 179 Register of Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee Vol 75 -- Vol 151 No. 7 No. Registers of Prisoners: 104 1 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0039 Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. 2;486* Oct. 1863- June 1864 282 1 Oct. 1863- July 1865 283 A.R. 25, 1865 hospital, Mar 1864-June 1865 Vol 157 Virginia, Maryland, and Mississippi prisoners accounts, July-Dec 1863, List of names of prisoners and sums of money, Vol 77 Roll call book for prison no. Roll 10 - Vol 17 Various states 1862-65. Vol 83 Roll call book for the west half of the 5, Dec. 1864-Mar. Zinn was replaced with Brig. One hundred and 50 years ago today Dec. 3, 1863 . Registers of prisoners, 3 contained almost 5 acres each and sometimes held as many as 4,000 prisoners in each compound. June-Oct 1864 The cemetery is open for visitation. Vol 253 May 1865 Vol 241 May 1865 1864, Roll 54 - Register of prisoners Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. 56 Register of Deaths, Apr. all prisoners. Some parolees, assigned to guard duty at Union prisons camps, were bitter, and rumors increased of maltreatment of prisoners at Camp Chase and elsewhere. 3, ca. Vol 202 July-Aug 1862 General Services Administration. 10;393 No. Towards the end of 1862, the cases of excess number of paroled Union soldiers from the western prisons were sent to Camp Chase.

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camp chase civil war prisoner list