was terry hobbs ever found

And then, twenty years later, a letter is found that had been sitting untouched in the prosecutions possession for a year. He also confirmed that one of the teens, Buddy Lucas, had admitted to his involvement in the murders with the other three men. : de-gloving, was because of animal predation that occurred after death. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. He was still wearing the same shirt and tie when he was spotted at approx. The 3 were let out of jail on an Alford Plea, which means that they admit that there is enough evidence to find them guilty (and thus the case is considered closed) but still maintain that they are innocent. In the autopsy reports, it was concluded that Michael was swiftly and violently attacked and was likely unconscious for almost the entire assault on the boys. Everybody said that Damian, I know that hes suppose to have 666 on his shoes. In my opinion, this was smart of Terry. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE CLUB HOUSE WAS? D, J, and J's DNA was not. If Michael had kicked Terry that could have been the impetus that pushed Terry to hit him back. I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. Those who believe they are innocent claim it was a witch hunt due to Satanic Panic. ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. I believe the clubhouse was mainly a concealed spot where the boys played. This would have allowed the four men approx. On the right side, it appeared as if he had been hit with something that was flat. AND I TOLD HIM, YOU KNOW WHAT WHY DIDNT YAWL LEAVE WHY DIDNT YOU COME HOME, WERE YOU SCARED? That night and the next morning, families of the missing children with the help of neighbors and police, searched the Robin Hood Hill woods, the Blue Beacon woods and the surrounding areas. Basically, the truth was overshadowed by stories of cults and devil worshipping put into Aarons head by his mother and the West Memphis detectives, Bryn Ridge and Gary Gitchell. As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. When the boys were eventually discovered the next day, not only were they discovered hidden under water, but their clothes and bicycles had all been submerged as well. And even if he did work the day of the 5th, its the late afternoon/night that is important. I allege that these three women are correct in that they saw the three boys, I simply believe that they got confused on the time that it occurred. If Terry wanted things to turn sexual, his predatory mind would have thought of ways to lead things in that direction. As Bennies statements suggest, as well the MEs position on Michaels injuries, there is good evidence to suggest that Michael was violently attacked first and then lay unconscious for the rest of the crime. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. Back to the timeline. RIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. RIDGE: OKAY. However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. When police told him they were going to polygraph him about Jessies alleged confession, Buddy immediately admitted that he had lied; Jessie never said anything to him about the murders. Its also extremely suspicious and coincidental that Dixie Huffords description of the car that dropped off LG would be so eerily similar to the car that Terry actually drove at the time and the car that he would have used to pick Pam up from work. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. I just find it amazing that she let this slip out and the police never even caught on. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. It would explain SO MUCH about how Hobbs flew under the radar. (1, 2) According to Jamie and her family, the three boys were playing in her backyard and then flew out onto the sidewalk and headed towards the Hobbs home. On top of Terry possibly molesting Stevie and being very jealous of him, I've no doubt Pam kissing another man and then the subsequent murders is just glaring motive. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. They then picked Chris up (as evidence shows) and the three headed out on their bikes and skateboard, riding up 14th street right before 6pm. She claimed to have seen the three eight year old boys when she dropped LG off, but it was a very shaky sighting. What this shows us is that Jacoby knows the truth. David Jacoby claims that Terry showed up and the two played guitar for an hour, which also doesnt add up when you know all the details. First of all, she claims that her husband, her three children and her sons girlfriend were all in the car that night and two of her children even testified in court about the sighting. Additionally, approximately a month before the murders, a friend of Chris Byers brother claimed to have seen Michael and Chris with their pants down, simulating a sex act in the exact way that homosexual men preform sex; one boy was standing up and bent over and the other boy was standing behind him and they both had their pants down. What really stands out to me is that the guilt or innocence of the men known as the West Memphis Three has been wildly debated through the years. Based on the reports made available to the public pertaining to Damien's mental health issues, this is a flat out lie. At the end of the conversation LG apparently told Narlene, Dont put yourself in that kind of trouble and Narlene says, Well, Im going to take care of LG. To me, that means that she is willing to lie to help protect LG. Terry showed up at his good friend Davids house to drop off Amanda so he and David could go buy marijuana. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. Sometime right after 5:30, according to the Byers, Chris took off again from his house. Where do you get all this from? I think its likely that Terry took the board with him as well to dispose of later or had it thrown in the bayou. that was a red flag to me, alright. I also believe this is why the boys got separated. OKAY WHAT WERE THESE MAN DOING? Id certainly like to know the back story to some of those questions. If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. Crime scene footage of the pile of boards. And, since Pam regularly made dinner at 4:30, Stevie knew that dinner was going to be around this time. Mark Byers stated that Terry arrived at his home sometime after Meeks left. This gave the men 2 and a half hours to let off some steam and possibly drink and get high. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN?AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. What this means, is that the injuries to Stevies penis may have been the result of an abuser repeatedly preforming oral sex on him. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moores parents asked Aarons mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. Have you had a drug dealer named Ray? What is most interesting, however, is that most of the public did not know that Chris was on a skateboard at one point that afternoon. So that would prove that there are only two reason why Jacoby would lie to protect Hobbs: its either because he participated in the murders himself or he knows Hobbs did it and he has known it for many years. She said some very odd things about TH: "he gets a look that's plum(sp?) What stands out to me, is that no one has ever suggested before that the injury to Chris began as a bite. RIDGE: SO HOW ABOUT DO YOU KNOW STEVE, DID HE EVER GO DOWN THERE WITH YOU? I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. Further, I have another theory why the crime scene appeared so clean. Michael was almost immediately rendered unconscious ( I believe because he was attacked first). Additionally, Stevie had what appeared to be bruises on the back of his head. Apparently, there was a bank near the ditch that appeared to have been slicked down and cleaned off to the point that there was no grass or leaves at all in that one area. There is no way that if this really occurred, Terry would have allowed those boys go home to tell their parents that, not only was Terry Hobbs in the woods having sex with men and teenagers, but he punched his stepsons friend in the head for catching him. Occult shit is my best guess at this point. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME?AARON: IT WAS BOTHRIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING?AARON: IT WAS, WHEN EVER WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WE WENT THERE ABOUT FOURRIDGE: OKAYAARON: AND THEY NEVER GOT THERE BEFORE WE DIDRIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. This theory supportsbothsides of the debate. They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. Buddy also knew Billy, so he, too would have told Terry to go by Billys. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. However, is it simply a coincidence that the statements that Aaron told police in 1993 coincide so perfectly with the alleged confessions that Buddy and LG made in 1994 and were later retold in 2012? I believe that she knew that LG was somehow involved in the murders. I think we have the answer now; Stevie and Chris appeared to have been tortured because they were the ones who were conscious. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? Why was shesosure, in her mind, that Damiens mother was lying about being with him all night? I think you're on to something here. had been during the evening on 5-5-93. Expelled From Law School, Dad Convicted of Mom & Brothers Murder. Misskelly, who has a low IQ, reportedly gave detectives a false confession which helped a jury convict the three of murder. David claims a little black girl told them the boys were heading to the woods. In accordance with the alleged confessions and as stated previously, I believe this kick would have sent Terry into a rage and he would have instantly punched Michael in response. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. In recent years its been discovered that someones DNA was on Stevies penis. Jamie and her sister believe that this occurred at 6:30, while their mother believes that the boys were playing in her backyard somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm. Before I continue, its important to bring up the alleged homosexuality of Terry Hobbs, which , in my opinion lends credence to the entire theory. No doubt. WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY WHEN YOU GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WHAT WAS IT THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT DAY?AARON: BEFORE THEY DID ANYTHING THEY WENT UP TO MY MAMAS TRUCK AND THEY ASKED HER IF I COULD GO OVER TO MICHAELS HOUSE TO GO UH, GO, GO WITH, GO WITH THEM TO PLAY SOME WHERE THAT WAS WHERE OUR CLUB WASRIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM?AARON: (inaudible)RIDGE: ALRIGHT. RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of another one of the murdered boys. Experts for the defense have claimed it is a bite mark and experts for the prosecution have claimed it isnt. The ME noted the extremely pale look of Chris skin as well as the lack of water in the lungs, and it was clear to him that he had bled to death. Years later it was discovered by experts for the defense that a knife had not caused the injuries to Chris penis at all. RIDGE: THE ONE IN THE WHITE SHIRT DOES HE LIKE TO BOSS? Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. "It's my. AARON: KIND OF. The clubhouse was a spot where Aaron, Chris and Michael would go play in the Blue Beacon Woods. From there, the police focused on finding clothes, speaking with the families, taping off the area, etc and possibly some small searching of the area. This is just more evidence to support the statements from Stevies family that he was being abused by Terry.). Have you ever been called the Queer Pepsi This would make the Ballard sighting of 6:30 next to impossible if not impossible, considering the boys were found in those woods and the time of death was most likely 7pm. Neither Chris nor Michael had any facial injuries even remotely close to what Stevie had on his face. This is the reason why David remembers the three playing; two on bicycles and one on a skateboard. Terry Hobbs grew up in a strict fundementalist pentecostal home, with his father actually being a pentecostal preacher. Apparently, LG walked in and asked for his cousin Dominis telephone number. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Damien Echols, along with friends Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelly, were convicted of murder in 1994, in connection with the murders of Chris Byers, Michael Moore, and Steven. And, allegedly, David was the one who caught Christopher, so I believe the first person who was attacked was Michael. One of them even went up and knocked on the door and spoke to Michaels sister, Dawn. Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. We have a man, by his own admittance, who was in the spot where they crime occurred all night long. Video footage of the crime scene also shows the boards: AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: OKAY. As they were riding around the street, Terry and David drove by on Barton (Barton would have lead them directly out of the neighborhood, taking them to 7th street which leads up to Lakeshore) and David saw them in the street. Why else would *Chris* have patterned bruises on his thighs(could be finger marks)? The bathroom window over my tub was partially open and my yelling could be heard outside. THAT THE FIVE MAN MAY HAVE CAUGHT THEM? Additionally, a bite on the face during murders/attacks is not only common in homosexual attacks, like a bite to the scrotum is, but it also common in Battered Child Syndrome. This means that the four could have been driving around the back streets for around 25 minutes and then might have pulled up to the Blue Beacon Woods sometime around 6:40. I understood that Terry had not previously called the police to report that Stevie was missing.. RIDGE: ALRIGHT. In truth, this theory would finally explain and clarify, really,why the boys had animal hair on them if they were pulled from the water. YOUVE SEEN THE CLUB HOUSEVICKIE: UH-HUH (YES) I HAVE SEEN IT SEVERAL TIMESRIDGE: ALRIGHT, AND HES BEEN FOUND THERE BY YOU SEVERAL TIMES? If it wasnt for your choices, this never would have happened!And, the act of tying up the boys, especially the manner in which they were tied up, looked somewhat sexual in nature. I believe that certainly Buddy, and perhaps LG as well, participated in the crime because of The Bystander Effect; they partook in the crime out of fear and/or compliance, but they did not have intentions to murder. Terry and David are not the only ones with suspicions and allegations of homosexuality surrounding them, though. Stevies bite mark on the left and known bite marks on the right. VICKIE: HE STAYED. The crime scene, as well as the clubhouse were both located somewhat close to each other on the east side of the drainage ditch. If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. And that 1 cop will know that a member of that community being subjected to questioning for a crime of this nature could lead down all sorts of paths: one of those paths being that Terry likes dick and is part of a small community that likes dick and that that 1 cop likes dick. The hearing was to allow the victim's . Dixie came to work later and Linda Hollingsworth came in asking about where L.G. RIDGE: WHAT DID THE CLUB HOUSE CONSIST OF? He writes it right in the autopsy report. I believe at this time, Terry directed his attention to Stevie and bit him repeatedly on this face. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. 2, 2019 at 4:53 PM PDT. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. Buddy Lucas lived in Lakeshore Trailerpark in May, 1993. If dogs had been licking the spot where the crime occurred and the boys, still wet from the water, were then laid on that area, It is very likely that they would have picked up dog or animal hair. As he leaned over Michael and removed his clothes, a hair from Terrys head or mustache fell onto Michaels body. That makes sense to me. After the murders of the three boys, the general understanding by the public was that Chris had been emasculated and very meticulously had had the skin removed from his penis. Even Peretti agrees that there was injury to the groin area AFTER death. So, according to Aarons mother, Vickie, the clubhouse, which was located in the Blue Beacon Woods, was a spot where her son often went to play and any time he was late to come home it was because he was out playing in those woods. This theory is corroborated by Bennie Guys statement (here) You can see in this photo where Hobbs and Jacoby could have parked, giving them very easy access to the location that the boys were most likely killed and later found. The nude, bound and mutilated bodies of three eight-year-old Cub Scouts were found in a water-filled ditch in a forest near their West Memphis, Ark., homes, one day after they disappeared in May, 1993. (1) Its possible that the by the time the men could have entered into the woods, the three eight year old boys were already there hiding. Sometime around 2pm the day of the 6th, Stevie, Michael and Chris were found murdered in a drainage ditch filled with water in the Blue Beacon Woods. LGs whereabouts that night are equally suspicious, if not more so. One of the most vital components of this theory is whether LG and Buddy had alibis for this night. Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. However, other experts who studied Chris wounds said that the injuries to his groin were post mortem and that there was no way a knife could have made those kinds of injuries. that triggers narcissistic rage, he blacks out with rage and goes too far. It puts all questions to rest. In LGs interviews of what he did that afternoon, he repeatedly contradicts himself. Another interesting bit of information that Aaron tells police is that not only did Stevie not ever join the others when they watched these man having sex in the woods, but that Chris and Michael told Aaron not to tell anyone what they had seen, including Stevie, who was one of their best friends. (, In both Billy and Bennies statements, i.e. That could be why Stevie had wounds to the face, while the other boys had wounds to their head. It wasnt until the following day when clothes began to emerge from the water, that police found the bodies. He was also a minister in the Apostolic Pentecost Church, a fundamentalist group. Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but his family said the last time anyone. He flipped flopped between being at home with his mother and being at his friend Richards house from 5:30-9pm. Jamie Clark Ballard, who lived only three doors down from Terry and Pam Hobbs, has supplied a sworn affidavit, as have both her . OKAY WHAT WERE THESE MAN DOING?AARON: THEY WERE UH, DOING NASTY STUFFRIDGE: DOING NASTY STUFF, WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM DOING THIS STUFF?AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARE, AARON: THEY, THEY DO WHAT MEN AND WOMAN DO, RIDGE: OKAY, UH, YOUR SAYING THEIR DOING THINGS LIKE MAN AND WOMEN WOULD BE DOINGAARON: YEAH (YES)RIDGE: WHEN I SAY HAVING SEX IS THAT WHAT YOUR DESCRIBING?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: OKAY, HOW WOULD THEY HAVE SEX?AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID, RIDGE: WITH THEIR MOUTH, WHERE THEY HAVING SEX WITH THEIR MOUTH?AARON: YES SIR, RIDGE: DID THIS HAPPEN REAL OFTEN ?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: HOW OFTEN ?AARON: IT HAPPENED FIVE TIMESRIDGE: FIVE TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN FIVE TIMES? A narcissistic ego injury (Stevie talking back or what the fuck ever - remember the neighbor who saw Terry and Stevie together for the last time?) Also, he may have searched for the boys in the woods around 5pm when he dropped Pam off at work, also when Terry was unaccounted for. If the cop has power, it's easy. : the alleged confessions of both Buddy and LG, Terry saw the boys spying and ordered the other three men to catch them. In 1993, he was married to Pamela Hobbs and was the step father of Stevie Branch. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. (source) Additionally, a roommate of Richards also testified that LG was not at their home on the 5th but that he remembered LGs mother calling looking for him. Before I summarize what the Guy/Stewart affidavits reveal, Id like to summarize the statements made by Aaron Hutchinson in his first two interviews. According to Bennies statement, Terry stopped for a moment to yell, Im going to teach your fucking ass! At 8:42, officer Meeks was dispatched to another call and left. You really would need magic to pull it off. As he tied up Michael, he further demonstrated to them how to tie up the others in the same consistent manner. My only guess is that they already had their sights set on Damien at that time. Well, the alleged confessions from Buddy and LG finally answer that question. Terrys own daughter allegedly told family members, including her mother, grandmother, cousin and aunt that she had been abused by her dad and two family members even claimed to have walked in on Terry abusing his daughter. Those partially digested vegetables not only prove the long held belief that the boys died around 7pm, shortly after being seen, but that Stevie most likely ate those vegetables right near 5:00 pm. I have recently taken a huge interest in this case, and found that there is misinformation literally everywhere. A year or so after Buddy admitted to Bennie of his involvement, he also allegedly confessed to Billy Stewart and described to him what happened. Before I further explain and explore all the evidence that points to Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, LG Hollingsworth, and Buddy Lucas being the perpetrators of this murder, I would like to reiterate something: there is almost no possibility that one person could have committed this murder alone in the timeframe it occurred. Thats a time bomb. This means that the boys had most likely arrived to the Blue Beacon Woods before the four men did, crossing over from the west side of the drainage ditch to the east side of the drainage ditch, on a log that lay across the ditch at the south end.

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was terry hobbs ever found