what disease did, bokuto have in another life

He huffed out a breath and turned around. His lips quivered before he could form his words. "It's just A slow, downhill ride f-from here. He chuckled and rubbed at his face wearily. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. Forcing a smile of his own, Akaashi tilted his head only slightly. Bokuto gave him a look that could only be read as, "I am, aren't I?". "He turned twenty only three months ago", Akaashi lowered his head. Hesitating for only a second, he reached his hand out and took the device into his hands. Akaashi frowned deeply. Without a voice, Bokuto couldn't keep up a conversation as well as he used to, no matter how hard he tried. He didn't care, nor did he think he would care in the near future. June 2, 2022 by by They were still wrapped up in whatever conversation they were having. Use it.". All he had to offer was a, "The pleasure is mine," before moving forward to try and usher Bokuto back into his room. He would study them for quite a while until they melted and left behind nothing more than a droplet on his arm. "What's this?" As if straight from a cartoon, out popped a tall male from Bokuto's room, with stark black hair that both hung over his face and stuck out in all directions. His hands quivered as he dug his nails into his knuckles. Akaashi? Bokuto swatted Akaashi's hands away. "You tremble when it's seventy degrees in the room. "A-p-a-t-h-yk-u-n." Bokuto was close to saving the contact before Akaashi spoke up. "I am. When you're around him, you help him forget.". Did you see that?!" Take a seat." On that one hand, three fingers stuck out. He wanted nothing more than to push him away, throw away the forms, and never set foot into that hospital again, but for some strange and irritating reason, Akaashi found it difficult to deny Bokuto. His hands twitched once, and he moved closer, leaning into Bokuto's touch. i literally have never watched a single episode of this anime nor do i have any emotional connection to these characters but wow this is a really pretty and well-written fanfic. His body jerked with each sob that was torn from him, his frame curling to bring himself closer. "Oh- you can move." There's a storm coming. Bokuto nodded frantically and forced himself to comply with Akaashi, as he always did. Kuroo bid Bokuto farewell for the time being, while Kenma made his way downstairs to exit the building. "No, no, no, no-" He pulled away from the windowsill and ran out of his room, straight downstairs and to the front door. Akaashi lifted his head in subtle interest. Bokuto didn't move much. It almost looked as if he were asleep. It works for me as well. The taller, dark haired male gestured to them. Where most people would detach themselves, Bokuto took hold and wouldn't let go, being as persistent as he was energetic. Tokyo needs a little more snow now and then. He stared at him intently and watched every move he made, to the point where this had captured Akaashi's attention. "And my hallucinations aren't all that bad. The light that came from outside reflected off of Bokuto's teardrops, lighting his face up in the most gentle of ways. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course they do." He found himself unable to say anything else, figuring that Bokuto wouldn't have anything to say either, but he was wrong. A grin ghosted across Akaashi's lips as well, but it was quick to vanish. You need to be protected.". [Nightmare? "All I can say is that sleeping doesn't come as easily as it used to." I read it about a month ago and I still haven't managed to explain the plot to someone without crying XD. But even if he has, that's not what I meant." I showed up to your house unannounced at three in the morning. I can't eat. He read up on the symptoms and blinked gently, a hand over his lips. At the very least, definitely one of the most impactful. Akaashi stared intensely at the screen, then tore his gaze away and looked back to Bokuto. The reflection of ending movie credits could be seen in Akaashi's eyes as they scrolled up along the screen of his laptop. Akaashi opened the first movie that he had in his computer's memory. It would shake every so often, and each time it did, Akaashi would squeeze lightly in response. He reached a hand out to turn on the lamp that sat on his nightstand. Haikyuu!! [Yeah! "So we were going to step outside for a minute or two in order to get this owl to shut up.". "Keep in touch, Akaashi.". He couldn't find his pulse. It's so good that I hate it so much because the sheer amount of pain it caused me. Having been neck deep in his own sorrows, Kuroo was blind to Akaashi's. fandom for a reason, but reading it hit so much harder than I anticipated. He managed a feeble shrug and turned to continue on with the movie that he'd watched for the thirtieth time already. Again, if he hadn't known any better, Akaashi would have figured that Bokuto was already fast asleep. Those yellow eyes were gleaming. So I'll just say bye for him! Akaashi stepped in and shut the door behind him. This is one of the best fics, no, pieces of writing full stop that I've ever read! Judging by his still trembling hands, he knew he wasn't. He pressed pause on his PSP and tapped one end of it against his open palm. Slowly, his yellow eyes scrolled to the side to catch Akaashi's gaze. Normally, Akaashi would have walked away that instant in order to pay Bokuto a visit, but as he neared his room, he could hear two voices coming from within. ", "It's more than that!" Bokuto's eyes widened. Bokuto followed, his arm still around him. His head slumped against his shoulder, and both his hands rested on his stomach. He held his breath, then proceeded to ask again. They both found it easier to believe in that lie than to accept the truth of what was to come. He held it to his nose with some difficulty and breathed in the strawberry scent, then let his arm fall. "I don't want you to grow any m-more attached to me th-than y-you already are. ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. "It was sudden." Bokuto was elated. Startled, Akaashi opened his eyes and glanced in Kuroo's direction. This one.". Akaashi bounced the ball off the floor twice. With barely an ounce of strength left, Bokuto pulled himself up a tad to get a better look outside. [Then I guess I'll see you at the hospital around a week or two from now. All he could do was watch in muted anguish as Bokuto finally accepted what had become of his short lived life. I think you'd better leave 'em both alone.". "Three words? Bokuto was afraid to wake Akaashi. I've watched this movie so many times, I actually fell asleep." Genres Fan FictionLGBTRomanceBoys LoveAnimeQueerManga 104 pages, ebook Published January 1, 2015 Book details & editions Kuroo finally left the room after four minutes or so, having forgotten that he was supposed to leave in the first place. "You're sick, you need medical attention. His frustration slowly faded, and all that was left behind upon his pale face was a look of defeat. Bokuto quieted himself, curled up, and watched on as the movie started. He looked down, his hair hanging over his face. Akaashi picked this up quickly, and he pulled his phone out for Bokuto to use. Akaashi always made sure to hold Bokuto close and squeeze him tight whenever this happened, just to let him know that he was there for him. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. After what felt like the longest ten seconds of his life, a sudden shudder charged down Akaashi's spine, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. "Was he ever fond of them? He could still see Bokuto's hand, and it had frozen in place. Despite this, Bokuto was still close enough for their arms to touch. Bokuto whispered. This time, Kuroo was the one to grunt, the sound coming from deep within his chest. He breathed in sharply. Akaashi doubted that he'd ever have Bokuto over again, so hearing him say 'I'll have to watch it again,' didn't sit too well with him. "Yeah, but Do You think it will snow soon? ", Shrugging one shoulder, Akaashi grabbed his phone. Several hours had passed since the message from Kuroo, and both Bokuto and Akaashi didn't do much. However, he is initially listless and pessimistic about his operation, as he has no will to live, thinking . He pulled the thick blanket over himself with much effort. Akaashi sat cross legged in the seat adjacent to Bokuto's bed. Akaashi blinked slowly. Are you alright?". "It's been over three hours, actually. Akaashi had nothing else to say. It was the last word Kuroo murmured before he stared forward as well, having nothing more to say. "We were actually just talking about stepping outside. Thank you for reading, it means a lot that you've read through my work! Bokuto's disembodied laughter rang throughout the garden, as if to prove Kenma right. "Please toss to me again!" It hurt him to think that Bokuto had barely even experienced the joys of a young adult's life before that crippling disease had taken a hold of him. Akaashi drew in a breath, but found that he couldn't say anything. pathfinder: kingmaker hour of rage challenge armag . He turned around. Mustering a weak nod, Bokuto's lips curled at the sides just a bit more. He was waiting for Kenma, but Akaashi wondered why he hadn't waited for him in the seat that he was initially sitting in. "Well, you're laughing now" He tried to hide his smile. "I'll show you." Akaashi sat at the edge of Kuroo's bed, and he stared out the window without focus. Just as those words left Akaashi's mouth, the clouds outside parted, allowing the setting sun's orange light to flood into the room. Verffentlicht am 1. "I'm taking it well, or at least I think I am. "Don't cry over it." what disease did, bokuto have in another life. "I come to visit and I'm barely paid attention to, but when he comes along, he's given the whole package? Not in the state that he was in. He reached a hand out and took Bokuto's hand in his own. "Hey- Akaashi, right? It was a dreary place for him, a place he was not fond of, but a place he was obligated to visit. Just then, Akaashi's lips parted in realization. ", "Yeah Yeah. "Are you here every day?". ", Once Akaashi realized what Kuroo was talking about, he instantly felt his spirits fall. He swallowed thickly. He used to be thicker. He did not give Akaashi time to voice his guess as he then moved his finger to point at his eye, then finally at Akaashi. He lay on his back, with his head on some of Akaashi's pillows. He remained in place silently. I mean, will they let you out of the hospital? Ain't that the horror of it all" He rubbed his chin and stalked his way down the hall. "I sort of got to know him through Kuroo's company. "Drowning in something black, sort of like tar. He watched Bokuto intently, curious to know what his answer would be. At times, Bokuto would do nothing but lie there in bed, twitching back awake whenever his body tried so desperately to fall into the sleeping state that it once knew. When he had, however, instead of shutting his phone off and trying to force a few hours of sleep upon himself, Akaashi stared at the phone screen longingly, and read the last messages that were sent between them. It seemed more along the lines of an act of affection, or at least as affectionate as Kenma could get, which wasn't much. Akaashi looked down and away from Bokuto, then back to the window. That toss was perfect!" ], [I would hope so. Akaashi would also murmur quiet things to him from time to time, to keep up a small, often one sided conversation. "Let's just go.". "Akaashi? I was so weak, and it'd gotten to the point where I could barely breath. "I'm going straight to sleep.". One of the voices belonged to Bokuto. But people never laugh at my jokes. "I know that I'm unbearable. Sunlight broke into the room, cascading all along the walls and floor, and casting shadows all around. A subreddit about the volleyball manga written by Furudate Haruichi, Haikyuu!! It was the longest minute he'd ever been forced to sit through. As Akaashi said this, he held out an arm, as if readying himself for some sort of hug. The other, he had no clue. Akaashi stifled a laugh. "They used to play volleyball together. more depressing than the outsiders. Akaashi reached his hand up to rub the back of his neck roughly, administering a feeling of discomfort to one area in order to ignore the pain that threatened to swallow his heart. In dismay, Bokuto sat up in bed and slowly reached around his neck to pull off the warm piece of cloth. I cried several times while typing it, actually. In what you want to say, I mean?". He started on his way. Bokuto mouthed an "Okay," before backing up several steps. He felt the gentlest of taps against his arm, and he turned his head to meet eyes that were as concerned as they were exhausted. He looked back down at the game screen. "You were out for about an hour.". "Likewise.". He did the only thing that he could and nodded again, then closed his eyes, and slightly turned his head away. They had a strange relationship, to say the least. Akaashi cocked his head back to demonstrate this, with his finger tapping his chin. Akaashi did not give him time to react to this as he moved closer still, and when he was close enough, he lowered his head to lean it on Bokuto's shoulder. Ten degrees outside.". Akaashi stirred in bed slightly and let out a weak grunt. To not be able to sleep?". Pursing his lips, Akaashi let his head fall back into the pillows. Akaashi took an unnoticeable step back. Akaashi would answer his questions coldly, with little to no emotion, but Bokuto would cherish these answers and retort with excitement in his tone. It wasn't until he watched Kuroo's form double over in his peripheral that Akaashi did glance in his direction, and when he did, he was greeted with a quietly sobbing Kuroo, his face having been buried in the palms of his hands. Finding a breath between his laughter, Akaashi managed to speak. Once Akaashi had left the hospital, he never looked back. So i havent seen ppl talking about this so i m guessing i m the only one who thinks this and its prolly CRAZY but HEAR ME OUT i think akaashi is now have same disease as bokuto and first he coulndt fell asleep and now he is also seeing hallucinations and prolly he will also die like bokuto but the diffrence being he was there for bokuto but sadly there will be no one by his side and he will die alone but surely with a smile on his face cause he can finally meet bokuto in after life. "By sneaking out! DEFINITELY. "I understand. "Well then, if you had a second chance" Akaashi hesitated. "You can sit anywhere." "So, how was it, watching the movie for the thousandth time?" Bokuto nodded and stretched a wobbling arm out. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Or maybe not brooding, but more along the lines of apathetic. It took a moment for Bokuto to focus on him. The tiny snowflakes deteriorated in the warmth of his palm, leaving a small puddle behind. Three hours feels like seven hours, sometimes. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. ", Bokuto couldn't help but guffaw, his head tilting back. Akaashi sat in bed and wrapped a sheet around himself. He placed a hand on his broad back and rubbed gently, hoping to comfort him and to be the stronger of the two. Did you just Say that to yourself?". He stared at his knees intensely before Kenma spoke up. Akaashi set his phone down and leaned back slowly, resting the back of his head against his pillow.

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what disease did, bokuto have in another life