why is eastern europe poorer than western europe?

A heretical Christian sect, known as the Hussites (named after Jan Huss), challenged the Catholic Church in part of Eastern Europe during the early 15th century, but they were stamped out by the Catholic political elite. Love Sowell. Just take any economic, social map and overlay it with the iron curtain map and you will understand what it's actually about. - Definition & Process, Largest Revenue Sources for the Federal Government, What Do Archaeologists Study? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Some of the countries that belong to Eastern Europe are Albania, Bosnia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Moldova, Lithuania, etc. Yellow areas poorer than Mexico. In other words, the few dark areas (a handful in Germany and one each in a few other nations) are the only parts of Europe that are economically equal or better thanthe United States. By introducing very strict prevention measures early on, countries in the region had significantly fewer COVID-related deaths than their western European counterparts.. But one explanation that can probably be ditched is the culture argument mentioned previously. 525 lessons. Write an essay of approximately one to two paragraphs that explains the Soviet Union's influence on certain countries of Eastern Europe. Byzantium, so long as it had Anatolia, could essentially produce gold at will, and was really the only European power to have actual cities as we understand them. Despite these differences, the former East has narrowed the . Its easternmost border is the Ural mountains. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. I love that I get smarter everytime I listen to or read anything from Thomas Sowell. The reporter from the Wall Street Journal who shared it remarked that Purple areas are rich as US states. 2. Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that lists and provides statistics for the religions of Eastern Europe. Countries like Italy, S. Korea, Spain, Portugal and Greece would each rank below Mississippi as the poorest states in the country. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. You want areas that produce finished products that are part of external trade systems. In 2017, the most recent year for which data is available, per-capita disposable income was 19,909 per year in the former East Germany the equivalent of about $22,500 based on the average euro-to-dollar exchange rate that year. Daily new COVID-19 deaths per million inhabitants, second wave, eastern Europe. They are languages that descend from Latin, the language of the Romans. Why Did Western Europe Dominate the Globe? Western Europe: More Catholics and Protestant Christians can be seen. The most widely-spoken Slavic language is Russian. Productivity in the East, in other words, was 75% of productivity in the West on a per-capita basis. In 2018, the average unemployment rate was 6.9% in the six states of the former East Germany, compared with 4.8% in the 10 states of the former West Germany. 8. So now I wonder why India, which is by the ocean, has a warm climate, natural wealth, and at the same time is much poorer than those poor Eastern European countries? 47 West Virginia, and not too far above No. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Some people include Greece and the Baltic countries, as well. There are over 500 different languages spoken in the region of eastern Europe. The technology grew to include more than just guns: armed ships, fortifications that can resist artillery, and more, and the Europeans became the best at using these things. The majority of western Europeans live within 50 kilometers (30 miles) from their place of birth. The key difference between Western and Eastern Europe is that Eastern Europe consists of countries that once belonged to the Soviet block, unlike the Western European countries. Western Europe is incredibly rich in culture from rich cuisine (French cuisine is divine and Im going to include Portuguese cuisine too) to traditional festivals still being held. Seldom do you hear an average American complain about Poland or Estonia for not spending enough into defending Europebecause those countries, despite being . I feel like its a lifeline. Lets get back to whether people in places such as Denmark (or anywhere else in Europe) enjoy more prosperity than their American counterparts. Of course not. Eastern Europe is home to a number of mountain ranges, including the Musala, the region's tallest mountain. Live Longer: Western Europeans live longer than eastern Europeans.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'questionscity_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-questionscity_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Smaller House: Eastern Europeans live in smaller houses or apartments compared to western Europeans. I don't discount Mr Sowell's argument, I would add a major game changer was between the eastern and the western doctrine of the Trinity. Spain has more high-speed rail tracks than any other European country. This has led to higher levels of entrepreneurship in the west while greater collectivism in the east. For example, if I am fighting you and you figure out a better way to build an armed ship, I can imitate you. Of course being in the soviet bloc wouldnt help either.Ive seen pictures of Prague and warsaw before the war and they seemed pretty prosperous. Feel free to submit interesting articles, tell us about this cool book you just read, or start a discussion about who everyone's favorite figure of minor French nobility is! In 1914, really only China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire had escaped becoming European colonies. Most people in western Europe speak at least two languages, one of which will be English. Many East German businesses are part of western German or foreign corporations.. Here is an Eastern Europe religion map that depicts the split of Christianity after the Great Schism of 1054. These differences between eastern and western Europe will help you understand the magnitude of these differences better than before.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'questionscity_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-questionscity_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Western and Eastern Europe are on opposite sides of the continent. Cross-posted from the International Libertyblog. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. More specifically, the Eastern orthodox Church is the branch of Christianity with the largest number of adherents in this region. Judaism - Eastern European Jews once numbered in the millions; however, they were nearly wiped out during the Holocaust. It is followed by a brief description of the four major religions in the region. It's also a sign of prosperity that, when they do earn American dollars, foreigners often choose to invest those funds in the American economy (remember, the necessary flip side of a "trade deficit" is a "capital surplus"). Before 1800, Europe had already taken over at least 35 percent of the world, but Britain was just beginning to industrialize. From the Reformation to the 20th century. In eastern European cultures, there is an emphasis on family and community life. Usually, when this question is asked, the response is that WWII and the Cold War ruined Eastern Europe, or that the agricultural and industrial revolutions began in Britain and not in Eastern Europe. Until 1991, the Soviet Union controlled everything from the Bering Strait to the Rhine. And while 7.5% of East Germans ages 55 to 64 were unemployed in 2018, the share was 5.3% among West Germans in the same age range. The key difference between Western and Eastern Europe is that the name Eastern Europe is used to refer to all European countries that were previously ruled by communist regimes while the name Western Europe refers to the more economically stable and developed Western countries. Five of the six states in the former East Germany with the exception of the city-state of Berlin had lower per-capita productivity in 2018 than the West German state with the lowest per-capita productivity, Schleswig-Holstein. Be sure to note on your list which countries these cities are found in. So as an explanation, industrialization doesn't work. It severely inhibited political and economic development. wu tang clan concert 2021; beauty and the beast symbolic interactionism All rights reserved. If, for some reason, somebody was holding a gun to my head and demanding that we copy the policies of a nation from the European Union,the Nordic countries would be among my top choices. An important factor was also the raids of nomads from the steppes, ravaged Eastern Europe. 9. Western Europe is a major tourist attraction with over 100 million visitors per year. This is interesting because it shows that the wealth divide between Eastern and Western Europe existed long before the modern era. He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics. So that's not the answerit's something else. 1. crochet cardigan size chart on carolina thunderbirds salary; why is eastern europe poorer than western europe? Western Europe has l. Hello and welcome to our channel. It is related to Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. 4. 7. He also serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review. We spoke with him recently about his research interests and what led him to study this particular topic. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You can think of that as being much like a baseball team that hires better players to win more games, but in this case, instead of coaches, it's political leaders and instead of games there are wars. All rights reserved. As always, excellently explained to be easily understood. Then you have more capital to invest, which allows for . Some argued that this was because of economics: that eastern European countries locked down early because they feared their economies would . Hoffman's work is published in a new book titled Why Did Europe Conquer the World? Central American Countries & Facts | People, Tribes & Culture of Central America, Central America Geography | Map, Physical Features & Examples, Physical & Human Features of Europe | Mapping the Features of Europe, Comparing Life in Different Locations in Europe, Latin America | Population, Ethnic Groups & Demographics, Physical Features of Russia & Central Asia | Map, Characteristics & Geography, Where is Latin America? Western Europe: United Kingdom, Norway, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Vatican City, Netherlands, Sweden, Malta, Italy, Iceland, Germany, Greece, Finland are some examples for countries that belong to Western Europe. Cultural Syncretism Definition & Examples | What is Religious Syncretism? Some of the economic activity in energy-rich states such as North Dakota, for instance, translates into income for shareholders living elsewhere in America. Most of the people who live here speak a Slavic language and belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church. That being said, Ireland and the United Kingdom have the most economic freedom among EU nations, andSwitzerland would be at the top if the choice was broadened to non-EU nations in Europe. 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I understand why it looks that way but that's because of your perspective. When you go back that far, you need to use to use a proxy for human capital. The tendency to ignore Eastern Europe in favour of Western Europe is a holdover from the Cold War. From West to East the climate, becoming more severe (in Siberia - almost impossible for an agricultural civilization) because decrease in influence of the Gulf stream. Although Europe represents only about 8 percent of the planet's landmass, from 1492 to 1914, Europeans conquered or colonized more than 80 percent of the entire world. You'll still need to back up the peace with armed forces, but you won't actually fight all that much, and that's a much better outcome. Make a list of at least seven of the largest cities in Eastern Europe. Although they may be connected by us all being human beings, there is a lot that separates us as well. The economic model then connected that spending to changes in military technology. Why is the Eastern Europe Poorer than the Western Europe?There are many reasons, the main ones are : location (Western Europe discovered new lands, Eastern Europe faced nomads), religion, the ottomans and the communism. While each country in Western Europe has its unique landscapes, cultures, and traditions, all share a common history that can be traced back thousands of years ago when Rome was at its height. Due to its Communist history, language barrier, poor infrastructure, poverty and just overall bad reputation, Eastern Europe has managed to deter the hoards of annoying tourists that are plaguing Western Europe. Bohemia (Czech lands) was one of the biggest and most developed economic centers of the Holy Roman Empire. But free markets and small government have produced decades of strong growth, and now these places are among the richest places on the planet. 50 Mississippi. While the Soviet Union was once considered to be the most important country in Eastern Europe, many ex-Soviet nations are, in fact, not even in Europe. Up until the beginning of November, the spike in the death rate was largely driven by the Czech Republic. The spread of communism during the beginning and middle of the 20th century had a devastating effect of the culture and economy of Central Europe. I am glad that a more vigorous race wasn't here as they would have truly dominated the world! (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } Christianity History & Location | How Did Christianity Spread? Most of the major periods in European history (Middle Ages, Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment), also affected Eastern Europe. Yes, there are lots of conventional explanationsindustrialization, for examplebut on closer inspection they all fall apart. The political dominance of western Europe was an unexpected outcome and had really big consequences, so I thought: let's explain it. That percentage has changed little in recent years, but is far higher than in 1991, when per-capita disposable income in the former East was only 61% of that in the former West. >Eastern European men >Like seriously, they are so formal, handsome, and respectful.. Today, not a single east German company is listed on the DAX-30, the nations leading stock exchange index, the report notes. Today, both Judaism and the Yiddish language are scarce in this part of the world. But exploring Soviet-era Eastern Europe is not even half the story. These are the countries that are in Eastern Europe: Russia (Partly in Asia). As a largely ambiguous term, it has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic connotations. For instance, Romanians speak a romance language. There are many stereotypes about Eastern Europeans, however, these stereotypes do not always apply to all Eastern European people due to differing cultures within the region itself. I dont have a policy lesson here: simply an observation that the United Kingdom has one really rich region (Greater London) and quite few relatively poor regions. There are many different religions practiced in eastern European countries, including Christianity and Islam. What can we learn from the differences between Eastern and Western Europe? But a while ago I ran into this interesting post about the Romans in Eastern Europe: The Romans were mostly interested in conquering areas that had a high degree of self sufficiency which could provide a tax base for them to extract from. Even the Catholic Church held a different view from the eastern church. spidey1z. They were subjugated by, at war with, or were the front lines and battlefields of the austrian wars against the Ottomans for four and a half centuries. Historically, the culture of Eastern Europe has been closely linked to the history of the rest of the continent. East-West differences in unemployment rates cut across demographic lines including age and gender. On average, Eastern Europeans live longer than western Europeans because they smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less alcohol on average. What were the politics and the political context of the economy that resulted in this ability to tax? In the early 2000s, the unemployment rate was about 10 percentage points higher in the former East than in the former West nearly five times the gap in 2018. Austria-Hungary is partially to blame. In 1991, per-capita productivity in the former East was less than half (43%) of productivity in the former West. Excellent point. But Im digressing. Eastern Europe is 'poorer' than Western Europe, during the war they were helpless and were taken over by Germany or the Soviets, with the fall of both empires countries taken by Hitler. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. Daily new COVID-19 deaths per million inhabitants, eastern and western Europe. idc abour other guys i have a fat cock and im not afraid to shove it down ur skinny bitch throat Most of these people migrated to Germany after the war. Coming from Engineering cum Human Resource Development background, has over 10 years experience in content developmet and management. Which is mostly Southern Europe and Anatolia (under the Macedonian dynasty at least). September 01, 2015. One lesson the book teaches is that actions involving war, foreign policy, and military spending can have big, long-lasting consequences: this is a lesson that policy makers should never forget. It can be further subdivided into four sub-regions: Northern Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Southern Europe. Through this article, let us examine the differences further. Language spoken in most eastern European countries includes Russian and Ukrainian. 4. One thing is clear: eastern Europe exited the first wave at the end of June in much better shape than western Europe. Speaking of European prosperity, heres a fascinating map I saw on Twitter. The Polish Lithuanian commonwealth was extremely powerful and wealthy by controling the rivers and by extension farmland and trade between Baltic and Black Seas. Another explanation, described in Jared Diamond's famous book [Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies], is disease. Western Europe has the most Nobel Prize, winners. Among people ages 15 to 24, for example, the average unemployment rate in the former East Germany was 7.7% in 2018, compared with 4.1% in the former West. Hong Kong and Singapore, for instance, used to be poor jurisdictions. The most common language spoken is Russian, followed by Polish, Ukrainian, Romanian and Bulgarian. In this video, we will explore the reasons behind the economic gap between Western and Eastern Europe. However, Poles, Croats, and other Catholic Slavs use the Latin alphabet (the same alphabet used by English). Answer (1 of 21): It's not. By the way, the economy in some eastern European countries (Poland, Romania and Hungary) is relatively close to the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese or Scandinavian countries economy. Both regions have a history of being ruled by powerful empires that brought change to the area. Eastern Europe: People speak languages with Slavic roots. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Hungarians, Croats, and a few others in Eastern Europe are traditionally Catholic. Even before the Holocaust, Jews faced terrible discrimination from the Christian-majority populations in which they lived. But something like the smallpox epidemic that ravaged Mexico when the Spanish conquistador Hernn Corts overthrew the Aztec Empire just isn't the whole story of Corts's victory or of Europe's successful colonization of other parts of the world. Map of the spread of Catholicism and the Eastern orthodox faith. 3. At least if the goal is more economic output and higher living standards. Its a sign of American prosperity that we can afford to buy more from other nations than they can afford to buy from us. - Definition & Laws, What Is Medicare? Roman Catholicism - Roman Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity on Earth. She has a Master's degree in History. Luckily, this blog post will help you to understand some of the differences between these two parts of Europe. They often wonder if theyre even in the same country when they arrive at their destination! Before that point, Western and Eastern Europe were relatively similar in prosperity. 5. This is probably the biggest reason I prefer Eastern Europe over Western Europe. The fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago this week brought far-reaching social and economic changes to communist East Germany, and people on both sides of the former barrier say the changes that have occurred since 1989 have had a positive influence on living standards in their country, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. 10. I'd given it to him because the use of this technology is related to politics and fiscal systems and taxes, and as he was reading it, he noted that the book did not give the ultimate cause of why Europe in particular was so successful. And the more that the political leaders spend, the better their chances of defeating other leaders and, in the long run, of dominating the other cultures. Despite this, the Soviet Union did play an important role in the regions history. When its easier to travel and grow food, its easier to sell the food at a greater. The key difference between Western and Eastern Europe is that Eastern Europe consists of countries that once belonged to the Soviet block, unlike the Western European countries. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Pandemic fatigue is present across the entire continent, and may be especially present in the east, where some people may have felt that they went into a lockdown for nothing. Caltech's Philip Hoffman, the Rea A. and Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics and professor of history, has a new explanation: the advancement of gunpowder technology. Monotheism Overview & Examples | What is Monotheistic Religion? But if these factors were at play in the first wave, they havent had the same effect in the second. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Moldova is an independent nation that was once part of the Soviet Union. It also includes some of the Balkan nations. Made it more difficult for lasting civilizations. Answer (1 of 7): The time lapse. Great video. Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe is comparatively less advanced regarding the economy. Germans in both areas say living standards in the former East have not yet caught up with those in the former West. Romania is probably the most unusual country in this region. All of the countries of Western and Northern Europe are very close to the ocean, and largely surrounded by it. What kinds of factors are included in this model? Learn what is considered Eastern European, view a list of Eastern European countries and discover Eastern Europe religions. All findings are based on data from the German governments 2019 report, as well as the Centers recent survey. The countries in western Europe have a more individualistic culture, with people caring about their success. This set Russia back quite a bit in a number of ways. Others suggested this eastern European exceptionalism could be explained by culture, with success in limiting the first wave being down to a mentality of fear and readiness to follow harsh rules stemming from the communist era. Therefore, do not misunderstand the information. For most of the Middle Ages, the West was dirt poor, and the real money was in the east. A thousand years ago, no one would have ever expected that result, for at that point western Europe was hopelessly backward. Eastern European countries include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Bulgaria Croatia (Hrvatska), Czech Republic (esk Republika), Estonia (Eesti), Georgia ( ) Hungary (Magyarorsz g), Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Montenegro Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine. We can also compare how restrictive the two regions disease-prevention measures were during the first wave using the Oxford COVID-19 government response tracker (OxCGRT). I think the main reason is that Europe is . Western Europe is known for many things, but perhaps most famously it is the home of some of the worlds greatest tourist attractions. However, most central and eastern European countries have been gradually converging towards western Europe countries over the past few decades after the transition to market economies, the introduction of democracy, and the formation of the European Union. Disease can't explain, for example, the colonization of India, because people in southeast Asia had the same immunity to disease that the Europeans did. | Thomas Sowell 6,459 views Aug 4, 2022 Thomas Sowell Explains how geographical differences between Eastern and Western Europe played a key. The Czech Republic acted very late, for example, imposing stricter measures at the end of October, even though cases and deaths had been soaring upwards during the month. Im simply making the modest yet important argument that Europeans would be more prosperous if the fiscal burden of government wasnt so onerous. QuotidianPain 2 yr. ago I don't think Atlantic trade is the sole reason though. However, people in both areas work hard with about 40 hours per week spent working (the same amount). Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. This is Part 6 of an 8-Part series on Geography and Culture. Make sure to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines before participating. Where is Eastern Europe? Countries in the region imposed strict measures while being relatively mildly affected, whereas western countries waited until things got bad. Philip Hoffman, Rea A. and Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics and Professor of History, Credit: Courtesy of Philip Hoffman/Caltech, Click here to open the "Quick Links" submenu, Click here to open the "Research" Submenu, Click here to open the "Academics" Submenu, Click here to open the "Admissions & Aid" Submenu, Click here to open the "Campus Life & Events" Submenu, Technology Transfer & Corporate Partnerships, Hundreds of Copies of Newton's Principia Found in New Census. In the very successful countries, the leaders could impose very heavy taxes and spend huge sums on war. One difference is that Eastern European countries were part of the Soviet Union for decades while Western European countries had more independence during this period. In fact, the Ottomans once controlled a large chunk of this region. Also Austria and Hungary drained ressources from the other areas (Bohemia being one of the few parts that was actually rather well off with a lot of industry). 3. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Eastern Orthodox - The Eastern Orthodox Faith is a branch of Christianity that formed in 1054 AD, when the Byzantine Empire officially broke away from the Roman Catholic Church.

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why is eastern europe poorer than western europe?