why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

When Mr. Peanutbutter hears her crying from downstairs he decides to go talk to her and runs upstairs while everyone except Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Ruthie quickly leave the house. After the premiere, Mr. Peanutbutter asks Pickles where she went, because she only stayed to watch ten minutes of the show. You mean like, like a duel, a duel?" Season 6 sees Diane moving past the Peanutbutter divorce and an apparent crush on BoJack with a buffalo named Guy. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that just because he feels bad it doesnt make it okay. Mr. Peanutbutter then gets a phone call with an offer to buy Elefante. BoJack's plan goes awry, however, when the robbery instead helps Diane reaffirm her love for Mr. Peanutbutter, and they push the wedding to happen within the week. Diane hates those huge gestures because she feels like it puts pressure on her to do the same, or at least be dazzled by it even if she didn't want it in the first place. Mr. Peanutbutter is hailed as a hero for stopping the "Pasta-Apocalypse.". Gina tells him that his mom is dead, and Mr. Peanutbutter realizes this after realizing that the farm had no phones or internet. At Todd's apartment, he has the furniture delivered and prepares the actors playing the guests for what they should say. Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Mr. Peanutbutter then realizes that all of his ex's used to be fun, but turned bitter and cruel after being with him but can't figure out the common denominator. They hear the doorbell ring. Meanwhile, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter again and tells him that his idea to start including male customers was a success, loving the safe spaces for women more than the women themselves. Flip tells the cameraman to turn the camera back in. In Good Damage, Mr. Peanutbutter shows up in Diane's memories in the form of crude sketches. Philbert picks up the landline phone in his bedroom, where he gets the news that the police chief was murdered. A security guard comes and allows him to leave for the weekend to attend Princess Carolyn and Judah's wedding. The two hit it off when they meet at a party arranged by Todd, BoJack, in particular, seems to be attracted to Diane, although to his envy and disgust, as he throws up after discovering this, she is dating Mr. Peanutbutter. However, Todd begins to suggest ideas to Quentin Tarantulino, and is reciprocated due to Tarantulino's eccentricity. She notices a cardboard cutout that looks like Mr. Peanutbutter behind a bookcase and discovers he wrote a memoir. Flip and Diane emerge with new script pages and try to gather everyone around so that they can film, but since they're behind they have to shoot it all at once with cue cards. Diane is upset because she has to explain her costume to everyone over and over. He tells Diane that he keeps taking amazing women and ruining them. Flip tells BoJack to stop calling her "Gina," as the character's name is Sassy. Despite their rivalry, he cares a great deal about BoJack's opinion and admires him for his work on Horsin' Around. The afternoon before the wedding, BoJack gets stuck in jury duty, leaving him unable to come up with any plans to sabotage the wedding. BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter are two characters who have a strikingly similar career trajectory, given that they both starred in sitcoms about adoptive parents, and despite receiving his own character arc on BoJack Horseman, Mr. Peanutbutter is essentially BoJack's opposite.. Mr. Peanutbutter then admits to Diane that he does get lonely sometimes. Princess Carolyn, at first, assumes he needs a body buried; which initially shocks Mr. Peanutbutter. However, he is not as dumb as he might be letting on, as stupidity is part of his persona and a result of his naivety, and he can at times show hidden depth. A flashback shows Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles telling a man named Carl that since Mr. Peanutbutter cheated on Pickles with his ex-wife, Pickles has to have sex with Carl to level the playing field. Like real-life dogs, he can't eat chocolate (it's poisonous to them), watch fireworks or listen to loud noises (dogs have sensitive ears). Feeling melancholy, she travels to Vietnam to get away from it all. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells him Judah mostly stays home with Ruthie. In short, he is "a dog seen from the point of view of a cat person." Mr. Peanutbutter is shocked that she learned all this from talking to Tim Allen for ten minutes, but Katrina angrily says he left her alone for an hour and a half. On Halloween 2009, Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane attended BoJack's Halloween party. When Diane tries to tell Mr. Peanutbutter and wonders if it's about her abortion, Mr. Peanutbutter assures her Captain Peanutbutter is probably just joking around with her. In a flashback, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter have dinner at Elefante and talk about how "[they] are the best divorced couple." In Planned Obsolescence, Mr. Peanutbutter surprises Pickles, by picking her up from work and inviting her to go with him to the desert, so they can watch the international space station being blown up. SUB, which devastated him. He says things like they'll all die one day, and it's cruel to let people love you because you're just promising one day you'll break their hearts. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter that he did all the work, and kicks him out of the theme park. Mr. Peanutbutter then excused himself as Katrina had her hand down a busboy's pants. Whenever she said something, Mr. Peanutbutter would stop himself from verbally replying, only responding to what Pickles says by nodding his head, and replied verbally when Pickles wanted an answer from him on how to make things right. BoJack Horseman Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He gives her the version without the whip cream and Pickles says now she actually wants whip cream. Princess Carolyn freaks out upon seeing that Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter have started a fire outside. Mr. Peanutbutter then asks Diane about her boyfriend. BoJack doesn't have a costume so asks Princess Carolyn for help. Mr. Peanutbutter calls a lawyer to make sure Disneyland is legal. She gets a text from Alexi Brosefino, a famous movie star and member of the entourage "The Snatch Batch," and how he wants her to party with him that night so that she can take Instagram pictures. When Diane asks if he really wants her to go, he somberly says "Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Everyone gets up and hugs him, to BoJack's annoyance. BoJack is deflated, but Mr. Peanutbutter accidentally mentions afterward Todd's desire to not nominate BoJack and ends the conversation by promising him "none of this matters" and leaving. However, that same evening Jessica dumped him, Mr. Peanutbutter met Diane Nguyen, an aspiring writer who was a part-time caterer at the time and was catering for the event he was at, and who he met earlier at a Starbucks that Diane also worked at. Mr. Peanutbutter says he's pretty sure they hate each other. However, Diane says she so tired of squinting and breaks down crying, as Mr. Peanutbutter looks upset, as an implication their marriage has failed. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. The sun hits a blimp promoting Secretariat, which has the mirror design BoJack insisted on in Stop the Presses, and it begins to heat up the water and boil the pasta. Diane says he either needs to date older woman or grow up himself, or his girlfriends will keep outgrowing him. ", BoJack competes on Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Mr. Peanutbutter says she didn't, and that he loves her and wants to know the real her. Mr. Peanutbutter continues on to say he knows when he was in a relationship with Diane he wouldn't really listen to her and he apologizes for that. The two eventually started dating, and by 2009 Diane moved in with him. He has yellow fur, a brown nose, a slim and muscular build. She goes through a brutal divorce with Mr. Peanutbutter, a loving relationship the audience has to watch slowly unravel from season 1 to season 5. His wife, Jessica Biel, tells him she meant the movie The Notebook, as she's dressed like Rachel McAdam's character, Allie Hamilton, from the movie. BoJack comments he's brought so many ex-wives and girlfriends over the years it's hard to keep track, a comment Pickles doesn't seem to appreciate. Joey then talks about boarding his plane alone to go on tour and says his gate number so he doesn't forget it as he leaves. He dates and later marries Diane Nguyen, although the two get a divorce in Season 5. Mr. Peanutbutter says that was his ex-wife, Jessica Biel. He silently nods and listens. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles they should leave. However, Todd, due to an incident involving his "drone throne," actually wins the race, but due to him declining the governor position is left open, and to abide by democracy Mr. Peanutbutter and Woodchuck must both run for Governor, much to the exasperation of Diane. Pickles is dancing on the coffee table when Mr. Peanutbutter comes to apologize for talking about his ex-wives. Diane later returns home from the party tripping on a drug called Gush. She receives a phone call from Mr. Peanutbutter, who practices a new exercise referred to as their "Daily Download," which involves a heavy amount of repetitive and cyclic phrasing. Diane then calls Mr. Peanutbutter on the phone and he sounds excited to hear from her. She refuses to give them candy because they are too old to be trick or treating and too young to attend the adult Halloween party. What did you think about BoJack Horseman season 5 episode 2? Mr. Peanutbutter tells Max that BoJack sold the restaurant to him and Joey Pogo. BoJack says his only goal currently is not to screw up this weekend. Diane refuses to do this, saying it isn't right that his ex-wife should explain to his girlfriend, that he cheated on her with his ex-wife. Unbeknownst to him, while Diane was talking to him she had just returned to LA and was at the airport, as she couldn't handle the realities of war-torn Cordovia or Sebastian's ego. Joey then reveals himself to be hanging by a clothes hanger inside the hotel room closet, giving Mr. Peanutbutter an idea. Princess Carolyn, who was asleep for most of this, asks if Birthday Dad cheated on his girlfriend. He tells Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks someone is hiding something. Mr. Peauntbutter responds that the best years of her life are happening now and BoJack says the joke's on him because he couldn't even waste the correct best years of her life. Pickles then calls him, and he asks how it went with Carl. A teenage Todd and his friends try to trick-or-treat at BoJack's house, but Princess Carolyn turns them away, motivating them to cover the place in toilet . In BoJack the Feminist, Mr. Peanutbutter is hosting the red carpet at the Forgivies. He then tells her if she knows someone who would be good for the job to let him know. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter to get a job. It has its ups and downs as she gains weight off antidepressants but she decides to move with Guy to Houston. When Diane tries to convince him again, Mr. Peanutbutter gets angry at her, questioning if she thinks she knows his brother better than him, and just because she has a bad family doesn't mean everyone else does.

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why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce